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Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Hey there, I'm an occasional blogger, writing whenever the mood catches on...I'd love to hear your thoughts/ opinions on my pieces, so it wld be grt if u cld leave a comment...u can reach me at pixiepaxi@hotmail.com...Happy reading, folks

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Earth Day Logo
Check out Google's customization for earth day...i like, i like...i also saw Yahoo's which I thought was boring. Anyway, it was on flash, so I couldn't download it to upload it. Infact, the fact that i'm a googler [ i google almost everything] not withstanding, Google does come up with interesting adaptations of their logo to suit the occasion. Very reminiscent of the Amul spirit we love in India..u'know the 'utterly butterly' campaigns that show up with a reliable regularlity and spin a spoof on whatver is the current hot topic...:)...go google!

1 comment:

Prithvi S Acharya said...

It's a nice logo.

That said, just creating a beautiful logo doesn't really do much for the Earth, does it?