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Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Hey there, I'm an occasional blogger, writing whenever the mood catches on...I'd love to hear your thoughts/ opinions on my pieces, so it wld be grt if u cld leave a comment...u can reach me at pixiepaxi@hotmail.com...Happy reading, folks

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Random in tandem?

Everyone has experienced that sense of déjà vu at some point or the other. But this?

Have you ever wondered how things fall into place, even the most random of things? When seemingly dissimilar things begin to display a pattern of some sort, in an intra-sectoral way! If you’re confused, don’t worry, I too thought I was when I first started this train of thought.

Well, it all began when I started noticing patterns to certain things – I pick a random instance and every time I looked at the watch on my phone, it showed a symmetrical element, whether it’s 13.13 or 20.02 or 09.09. I have checked this over several time bands across the day and one just can’t escape the symmetry. And it’s not like it happens everyday, it happens across a certain stretch of days – I sure haven’t calculated the time interval between days when it occurs and when it doesn’t and all the possible hypothesis regarding its correlation with various factors…c’mon, lets get real, if I were to start evaluating whether it coincides with the movements of the moon, I’d probably go loco….I simply ascribe it to being a random occurrence.

And then there’s the entire concept of it being a small world. Ok, here, I’ve tweaked the theory of six degrees of separation by swinging on a large dose of creative license. So, we all know what Malcolm Gladwell’s famous [and probably patented too!] theory is, so let’s call this the six degrees of connection – it’s funny how on whichever corner of the globe that one goes, you invariably find someone whom one either knows or someone who knows someone you know. I mean, how random is that or how coincidental is that? It’s similar to looking at the other side of the coin. I know it’s weird but it has happened to me and people I know. Sheer coincidence, I’d say with my rational thinking hat.

An interesting aspect of patterns in randomness can be attributed to a person’s psychological profile. What might seem as madness to one person might be a method to another. For e.g. this might seem complete gibberish to you, it strangely is making sense to me. And no, I’m not smoking anything.

En plus, what might suddenly become apparent as a pattern might just be a Johari window opening in one’s persona. For e.g. some years ago, I saw the movie Sisterhood of the travelling pants - 1 [SOTP]. Frankly, I don’t even remember the movie too well and my reaction to the movie would be at best a comme ça, comme si. The other day I was discussing my favourite TV shows with a friend and I listed Gossip Girl and Gilmore Girls as the top ones for me. My friend is so clueless about TV shows that I began wondering as to why I was having a discussion on it with her in the first place. So for her benefit, I began tracing back to their more famous erstwhile roles in order to explain who the leads were. And baam, it hit me. Both Blake Lively and Alexia Bedel [leads in the respective above 2 shows] were leads in the flick, SOTP. Strange coincidence, I think. Now that the Johari window was open on this, I made sure I watched Part 2 even if I had to stay awake on my late night flight to Singapore.

While I muse through lands of more gobbledygook ness and their possible liaisons, I must say that the only thing that is deliberate about this piece is my attempt to infuse a sprinkling of French, which I am dedicatedly learning now at the Alliance Française, Bangalore. And the only tangible thought remaining now is to wish everyone a Happy Easter and À votre Santé! Cheers to new beginnings and to each one thinking more laterally and creatively and ofcourse, managing to not go loco in the process. À bientôt until later.

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